is not only by far the dopest and politically most bulletproofed rapper in germany. he’s also with very few other artist a straight forward musician who uses his rising influence to spread knowledge and statements about injustice and racism.
For years I had the growing idea in my mind to shoot him in a dovecot:
Disarstar as the powerful person full of rage surrounded by white pigeons, the symbol of peace.
Two major influences came up when I thought about pigeons- on the one hand the likewise aggressive and energy floated heavyweight Mike Tyson, who owns pigeons since his early childhood, the reason he became a boxer and the baddest man on earth. On the the other hand the amazing Jim Jarmusch movie "ghost dog" with Forest Whitaker as a modern life samurai, being calmed down only by his pigeons.
I’m incredibly happy about the result with Disarstar but especially I’m impressed by what he had achieved during the months since our shooting. Nearly every friday something completely new came out and I’m so much looking forward to his album in march and everything we are gonna do together in the future.